Vol. 1 No. 2 - March 1998
By Steve McWilliams & Tim Wager, Editors (pdf)
Six months ago we made the decision to change the direction of our magazine.... Only first issue is left for us to complete, so if you have any experience working with micro:bit, please let us know.
As an example, an inverter generating a 50 Hz square wave current can be re-dimensioned to generate a square wave voltage.
The magazine teaches how to use and program the PICAXE microcontroller, build simple circuits, and build electronic kits with the PICAXE as the central component.
by William Johnson
Cited by 985
The. pdf electronics magazine volume 19
By William Johnson, The CAMP newsletter, June 2002
Teaching Electronics – Volume I (pdf) Free-roam Media, 2001. ISBN 0-9573565-7-1 (hbk.); 0-9573565-8-X (ebk. & u.k.); 0-9573565-9-X (p.cm.)
By Laurence Carr & William Johnson
Cited by 571
A series of articles on introductory aspects of digital electronics in The CAMP newsletter, Issue 4, May 2002.
by Klaus D. Langer
Cited by 330
Highly acclaimed by Rob Atkinson in "The best book on electronics for hobbyists" in the January 2001 edition of Ham Radio magazine. Highly regarded by many modern book authors.
Electronics for the Non-Technical
As you watch the video "Electronics for the Non-Technical", we have provided a number of links that we think you might enjoy... ac619d1d87
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